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Wednesday, March 23, 2011


Ehh well today I have an interview for a job ehh its the second job interview since I quit my old job last month. Its at a meat processing plant or whatever and I would end up working in the afternoon after I'm out of my classes. Hopefully I can get this job and start helping pay for my school again and get some wanted additions to my truck and well video games and such.


Anonymous said...

work sucks.

Danny Murphy said...

I've been looking to get a job need to sort the bloody car heater out, anyway fingers crossed you got the job mate.

tobiasroehmer said...

i wish you good luck

Pif said...

thanks guys and ehh I've kind been missing working I get bored alot now and just sleep or play wow also miss that money lol

Greg said...

Good luck!

Benji said...

Hope you get the job, it'll help you pay for everything you want :)
i also need a job.. but my lessons are scattered about so much its difficult to find shifts :/

elexerdelex said...

Cewl I work at something like a meat processing plant, But rotten meat really does stink!
Still I hope you will get& like the job
Followed :D

anonyn said...

screw work just blog ;)
i'm supporting you all the way m8!

Drab Maestro said...

Hey man...even though it sounds shitty, you'll feel so much better after getting the job and going through with it..I think you know that! Like everyone else is saying, good luck man!

Blair said...

I wish you luuuck!

Pif said...

thanks for the support guys, ehh I went to the interview and I'm going to go Friday for a physical

Ill said...

well, good luck

jowz said...

fuck work! sleep instead

jamierod.rodriguez said...

Best of luck! Updates on how it goes!

MrBunni said...

Good luck with that!

kaybee99 said...

You have to go for a physical at a meat processing plant? Unexpected....

Good luck though - followed :)

Fray32 said...

good luck to you, hope it goes well!

~DS said...

You sound very motivated, good luck!

naturalcauses said...

Good luck man!! +followed

Stevesonaplane said...

I need to get a I've never applied, they just dropped in my lap. Meat factory? damn. following.

Ambi said...

good luck to you!

Anonymous said...

Congrats man. I need an interview with a place bad. No money is starting to grind my gears.

KylePIB said...

Good luck bro.